Refereed publications.
Berner LT, Orndahl KM, Rose M, Tamstorf M, Arndal MF, Alexander HD, Humphreys ER, Loranty MM, Ludwig SM, Nyman J, Juutinen S, Aurela M, Happonen K, Mikola J, Mack MC, Vankoughnett MR, Iversen CM, Salmon VG, Yang D, Kumar J, Grogan P, Danby RK, Scott NA, Olofsson J, Siewert MB, Deschamps L, Levesque E, Maire V, Morneault A, Gauthier G, Gignac C, Boudreau S, Gaspard A, Kholodov A, Bret-Harte MS, Greaves HE, Walker D, Gregory FM, Michelsen A, Kumpula T, Villoslada M, Ylanne H, Luoto M, Virtanen T, Forbes BC, Holzel N, Epstein H, Heim RJ, Bunn A, Holmes RM, Hung JKY, Natali SM, Virkkala A, Goetz SJ. 2024. The arctic plant aboveground biomass synthesis dataset. Scientific Data 11: 305.
Duchesneau K, Defrenne CE, Petro C, Malhotra A, Moore JAM, Childs J, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM, Kostka JE. 2024. Responses of vascular plant fine roots and associated microbial communities to whole-ecosystem warming and elevated CO2 in northern peatlands. New Phytologist 242: 1333–1347.
Norby RJ, Warren JM, Iversen CM, Walker AP, Childs J. 2024. Getting allometry right at the Oak Ridge Free-Air CO2 Enrichment experiment: Old problems and new opportunities for global change experiments. Plants, People, Planet 6: 1480–1489.
Seethepalli A, Ottley C, Childs J, Cope K, Fine AK, Lagergren JH, Kalluri U, Iversen CM, York LM. 2024. Divide and conquer: Using RhizoVision Explorer to aggregate data from multiple root scans using image concatenation and statistical methods. New Phytologist, early view.
Duchesneau K, Defrenne CE, Petro C, Malhotra A, Moore JAM, Childs J, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM, Kostka JE. 2024. Responses of vascular plant fine roots and associated microbial communities to whole-ecosystem warming and elevated CO2 in northern peatlands. New Phytologist 242: 1333–1347.
Norby RJ, Warren JM, Iversen CM, Walker AP, Childs J. 2024. Getting allometry right at the Oak Ridge Free-Air CO2 Enrichment experiment: Old problems and new opportunities for global change experiments. Plants, People, Planet 6: 1480–1489.
Seethepalli A, Ottley C, Childs J, Cope K, Fine AK, Lagergren JH, Kalluri U, Iversen CM, York LM. 2024. Divide and conquer: Using RhizoVision Explorer to aggregate data from multiple root scans using image concatenation and statistical methods. New Phytologist, early view.
Iversen CM, Latimer J, Brice DJ, Childs J, Vander Stel HM, Graham J, Griffiths N, Malhotra A, Norby RJ, Olehieser K, Phillips J, Salmon VG, Sebestyen SD, Yang X, Hanson PJ. 2023. Whole-ecosystem warming increases plant-available nitrogen and phosphorus in the SPRUCE bog. Ecosystems 26: 86-113. Highlighted here by the Department of Energy's Office of Science!
Ma S, Jiang L, Wilson RM, Chanton J, Niu S, Iversen CM, Malhotra A, Jiang J, Huang Y, Lu X, Shi Z, Tao F, Liang J, Ricciuto D, Hanson PJ, Luo Y. 2023. Thermal acclimation of plant photosynthesis and autotrophic respiration in a northern peatland. Environmental Research: Climate 2: 025003.
Ofiti NO, Schmidt MWI, Abiven S, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM, Wilson RM, Kostka JE, Wiesenberg GLB, Malhotra A. 2023. Climate warming and elevated CO2 alter peatland soil carbon sources and stability. Nature Communications 14: 7533.
Petro C, Carrell AA, Wilson RM, Duchesneau K, Noble-Kuchera S, Song T, Iversen CM, Childs J, Schwaner G, Chanton JP, Norby RJ, Hanson PJ, Glass JB, Weston DJ, Kostka JE. 2023. Climate drivers alter nitrogen availability in surface peat and decouple N2 fixation from CH4 oxidation in the Sphagnum moss microbiome. Global Change Biology 29: 3159 – 3176.
Wang B, McCormack ML, Ricciuto D, Yang X, Iversen CM. 2023. Embracing fine-root system complexity to improve the predictive understanding of ecosystem functioning. Global Change Biology 29: 2871 – 2885. See a commentary of Bin’s paper here!
Weber S, Iversen CM. 2023. How deep should we go to understand roots at the top of the world? New Phytologist, Early View. This was a Commentary on the very cool paper by Blume-Werry et al. 2023 on predicting Arctic rooting depth distribution.
Weigelt A, Mommer L, Andraczek K, Iversen CM, Bergmann J, Bruelheide H, Freschet GT, Guerrero-Ramírez NR, Kattge J, Kuyper TW, Laughlin DC, Meier IC, van der Plas F, Poorter H, Roumet C, van Ruijven J, Maria Sabatini F, Semchenko M, Sweeney CJ, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, York LM, McCormack ML. 2023. The importance of trait selection in ecology. Nature (Matters Arising), 618: E29-E30.
Yuan F, Wang D, Kao, S-C, Thornton M, Ricciuto D, Salmon V, Iversen C, Schwartz P, Thornton P. 2023. An ultrahigh-resolution E3SM land model simulation framework and its first application to the Seward Peninsula in Alaska. Journal of Computational Science 73: 102145.
Ma S, Jiang L, Wilson RM, Chanton J, Niu S, Iversen CM, Malhotra A, Jiang J, Huang Y, Lu X, Shi Z, Tao F, Liang J, Ricciuto D, Hanson PJ, Luo Y. 2023. Thermal acclimation of plant photosynthesis and autotrophic respiration in a northern peatland. Environmental Research: Climate 2: 025003.
Ofiti NO, Schmidt MWI, Abiven S, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM, Wilson RM, Kostka JE, Wiesenberg GLB, Malhotra A. 2023. Climate warming and elevated CO2 alter peatland soil carbon sources and stability. Nature Communications 14: 7533.
Petro C, Carrell AA, Wilson RM, Duchesneau K, Noble-Kuchera S, Song T, Iversen CM, Childs J, Schwaner G, Chanton JP, Norby RJ, Hanson PJ, Glass JB, Weston DJ, Kostka JE. 2023. Climate drivers alter nitrogen availability in surface peat and decouple N2 fixation from CH4 oxidation in the Sphagnum moss microbiome. Global Change Biology 29: 3159 – 3176.
Wang B, McCormack ML, Ricciuto D, Yang X, Iversen CM. 2023. Embracing fine-root system complexity to improve the predictive understanding of ecosystem functioning. Global Change Biology 29: 2871 – 2885. See a commentary of Bin’s paper here!
Weber S, Iversen CM. 2023. How deep should we go to understand roots at the top of the world? New Phytologist, Early View. This was a Commentary on the very cool paper by Blume-Werry et al. 2023 on predicting Arctic rooting depth distribution.
Weigelt A, Mommer L, Andraczek K, Iversen CM, Bergmann J, Bruelheide H, Freschet GT, Guerrero-Ramírez NR, Kattge J, Kuyper TW, Laughlin DC, Meier IC, van der Plas F, Poorter H, Roumet C, van Ruijven J, Maria Sabatini F, Semchenko M, Sweeney CJ, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, York LM, McCormack ML. 2023. The importance of trait selection in ecology. Nature (Matters Arising), 618: E29-E30.
Yuan F, Wang D, Kao, S-C, Thornton M, Ricciuto D, Salmon V, Iversen C, Schwartz P, Thornton P. 2023. An ultrahigh-resolution E3SM land model simulation framework and its first application to the Seward Peninsula in Alaska. Journal of Computational Science 73: 102145.
Bennett KE, Miller G, Busey R, Chen M, Lathrop ER, Dann JB, Nutt M, Crumley R, Dillard SL, Dafflon B, Kumar J, Bolton WR, Wilson CJ, Iversen CM, Wullschleger SD. 2022. Spatial patterns of snow distribution in the sub-Arctic. The Cryosphere 16: 3269–3293.
Euskirchen E, Serbin S, Carman T, Fraterrigo J, Genet H, Iversen CM, Salmon V, McGuire AD. 2022. Assessing dynamic vegetation model parameter uncertainty across Alaskan arctic tundra plant communities. Ecological Applications 32: e2499.
Ma S, Jiang L, Wilson RM, Chanton JP, Bridgham S, Niu S, Iversen CM, Malhotra A, Jiang J, Lu X, Huang Y, Keller J, Xu X, Ricciuto DM, Luo Y, Hanson PJ. 2022. Evaluating alternative ebullition models for predicting peatland methane emission and its pathways via data-model fusion. Biogeosciences 19: 2245–2262.
Norby RJ, Warren JM, Iversen CM, Childs J, Jawdy SS, Walker AP. 2022. Forest stand and canopy development unaltered by 12 years of CO2 enrichment. Tree Physiology 42: 428–440.
Shelley SJ, Brice DJ, Iversen CM, Kolka RK, Sebestyen SD, Griffiths NA. 2022. Deciphering the shifting role of intrinsic and extrinsic drivers on moss decomposition in peatlands over a 5-year period. Oikos,
Euskirchen E, Serbin S, Carman T, Fraterrigo J, Genet H, Iversen CM, Salmon V, McGuire AD. 2022. Assessing dynamic vegetation model parameter uncertainty across Alaskan arctic tundra plant communities. Ecological Applications 32: e2499.
Ma S, Jiang L, Wilson RM, Chanton JP, Bridgham S, Niu S, Iversen CM, Malhotra A, Jiang J, Lu X, Huang Y, Keller J, Xu X, Ricciuto DM, Luo Y, Hanson PJ. 2022. Evaluating alternative ebullition models for predicting peatland methane emission and its pathways via data-model fusion. Biogeosciences 19: 2245–2262.
Norby RJ, Warren JM, Iversen CM, Childs J, Jawdy SS, Walker AP. 2022. Forest stand and canopy development unaltered by 12 years of CO2 enrichment. Tree Physiology 42: 428–440.
Shelley SJ, Brice DJ, Iversen CM, Kolka RK, Sebestyen SD, Griffiths NA. 2022. Deciphering the shifting role of intrinsic and extrinsic drivers on moss decomposition in peatlands over a 5-year period. Oikos,
Defrenne CE, Childs J, Fernandez CW, Taggart M, Nettles WR, Allen MF, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM. 2021. High‐resolution minirhizotrons advance our understanding of root‐fungal dynamics in an experimentally warmed peatland. Plants People Planet 3: 640 - 652. Part of a Special Issue on Mycorrhizas for a Changing World.
Freschet GT, Pagès L, Iversen CM, Comas LH, Rewald B, Roumet C, Klimešová J, Zadworny M, Poorter H, Postma JA, Adams TS, Bagniewska-Zadworna A, Bengough AG, Blancaflor EB, Brunner I, Cornelissen JHC, Garnier E, Gessler A, Hobbie SE, Meier IC, Mommer L, Picon-Cochard C, Rose L, Ryser P, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Soudzilovskaia NA, Stokes A, Sun T, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Weemstra M, Weigelt A, Wurzburger N, York LM, Batterman SA, Gomes de Moraes M, Janeček Š, Lambers H, Salmon V, Tharayil N, McCormack ML. 2021. A starting guide to root ecology: strengthening ecological concepts and standardizing root classification, sampling, processing and trait measurements. New Phytologist 232: 973 - 1122.
Freschet GT, Roumet C, Comas LH, Weemstra M, Bengough AG, Rewald B, Bardgett RD, De Deyn GB, Johnson D Klimešová J, Lukac M, McCormack ML, Meier IC, Pagès L, Poorter H, Prieto I, Wurzburger N, Zadworny M, Bagniewska-Zadworna A, Blancaflor EB, Brunner I, Gessler A, Hobbie SE, Iversen CM, Mommer L, Picon-Cochard C, Postma JA, Rose L, Ryser P, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Soudzilovskaia NA, Sun T, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Weigelt A, York LM, Stokes A. 2021. Root traits as drivers of plant and ecosystem functioning: current understanding, pitfalls and future research needs. New Phytologist 232: 1123 - 1158.
Guerrero-Ramirez N, Mommer L, Freschet GT, Iversen CM, McCormack ML, Kattge J, Poorter H, van der Plas F, Bergmann J, Kuyper TW, York LM, Bruehlheide H, Laughlin DC, Meier IC, Roumet C, Semchenko M, Sweeney CJ, van Ruijven J, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Aubin I, Catford JA, Manning P, Martin A, Milla R, Minden V, Pausas JG, Smith SW, Soudzilovskaia NA, Ammer C, Butterfield B, Craine JM, Cornelissen JHC, de Vries F, Hickler T, Isaac ME, Kramer K, König C, Lamb E, Medlyn B, Onipchenko VG, Read Q, Reich PB, Rillig MC, Sack L, Shipley B, Tedersoo L, Valladares F, van Bodegom P, Weigelt P, Wright J, Weigelt A. 2021. Global Root Traits (GRooT) Database. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 25 - 37.
Iversen CM, McCormack ML. 2021. Filling gaps in our understanding of belowground plant traits across the world: An introduction to a Virtual Issue. New Phytologist 231: 2097 - 2103. This is an introduction to a Virtual Special Issue that highlights new belowground understanding gained from more than 40 awesome papers published in New Phytologist over just the last 2 years!
Ladd MP, Reeves DT, Poudel S, Iversen CM, Wullschleger SD, Hettich RL. 2021. Untargeted exometabolomics provides a powerful approach to investigate biogeochemical hotspots with vegetation and polygon type in arctic tundra soils. Soil Systems 5:
Laughlin DC, Mommer L, Sabatini FM, Bruelheide H, Kuyper TW, McCormack ML, Bergmann J, Freschet GT, Guerrero-Ramírez NR, Iversen CM, Kattge J, Meier IC, Poorter H, Roumet C, Semchenko M, Sweeney CJ, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, van der Plas F, van Ruijven J, York LM, Aubin I, Burge OR, Byun C, Ćušterevska R, Dengler J, Forey E, Guerin GR, Herault B, Jackson RB, Karger DN, Lenoir J, Lysenko T, Meir P, Niinemets U, Ozinga WA, Peñuelas J, Reich PB, Schmidt M, Schrodt F, Velázquez E, Weigelt A. 2021. Root traits explain plant species distributions along climatic gradients yet challenge the nature of ecological trade-offs. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5: 1123 - 1134.
Mekonnen ZA, Riley WJ, Grant RF, Salmon VG, Iversen CM, Biraud S, Breen AL, Lara MJ. 2021. Topographical controls on hillslope-scale hydrology drive shrub distributions on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 126: e2020JG005823.
Salmon VG, Brice DJ, Bridgham S, Childs J, Graham J, Griffiths NA, Hofmockel K, Iversen CM, Jicha TM, Kolka RK, Kostka JE, Malhotra A, Norby RJ, Phillips JR, Ricciuto D, Schadt CW, Sebestyen SD, Shi X, Walker AP, Warren JM, Weston DJ, Yang X, Hanson PJ. 2021. Nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in an ombrotrophic peatland: a benchmark for assessing change. Plant and Soil 466: 649 -674.
Sulman BN, Salmon VG, Iversen CM, Breen A, Yuan F, Thornton PE. 2021. Integrating arctic plant functional types in a land surface model using above- and belowground field observations. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13: e2020MS002396.
Walker A, De Kauwe M, Bastos A, Belmecheri S, Georgiou K, Keeling R, McMahon S, Medlyn B, Moore DJP, Norby RJ, Zaehle S, Anderson-Teixeira KJ, Battipaglia G, Brienen RJW, Cabugao KG, Cailleret M, Campbell E, Canadell JG, Ciais P, Craig ME, Ellsworth DS, Farquhar GD, Fatichi S, Fisher JB, Frank DC, Graven H, Gu L, Haverd V, Heilman K, Heimann M, Hungate BA, Iversen CM, Joos F, Jiang M, Keenan TF, Knauer J, Korner C, Leshyk VO, Leuzinger S, Liu Y, MacBean N, Malhi Y, McVicar TR, Penuelas J, Pongratz J, Powell AS, Riutta T, Sabot MEB, Schleucher J, Sitch S, Smith WK, Sulman B, Taylor B, Terrer C, Torn MS, Treseder KK, Trugman AT, Trumbore SE, van Mantgem PJ, Voelker SL, Whelan ME, Zuidema PA. 2021. Integrating evidence for a terrestrial carbon sink caused by increasing atmospheric CO2. New Phytologist 229: 2413 - 2445.
Weigelt A, Mommer L, Andraczek K, Iversen CM, Bergmann J, Bruelheide H, Fan Y, Freschet GT, Guerrero-Ramírez NR, Kattge J, Kuyper TW, Laughlin DC, Meier IC, van der Plas F, Poorter H, Roumet C, van Ruijven J, Sabatini FM, Semchenko M, Sweeney CJ, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, York LM, McCormack ML. 2021. An integrated framework of plant form and function: The belowground perspective. New Phytologist 232: 42 - 59.
Freschet GT, Pagès L, Iversen CM, Comas LH, Rewald B, Roumet C, Klimešová J, Zadworny M, Poorter H, Postma JA, Adams TS, Bagniewska-Zadworna A, Bengough AG, Blancaflor EB, Brunner I, Cornelissen JHC, Garnier E, Gessler A, Hobbie SE, Meier IC, Mommer L, Picon-Cochard C, Rose L, Ryser P, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Soudzilovskaia NA, Stokes A, Sun T, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Weemstra M, Weigelt A, Wurzburger N, York LM, Batterman SA, Gomes de Moraes M, Janeček Š, Lambers H, Salmon V, Tharayil N, McCormack ML. 2021. A starting guide to root ecology: strengthening ecological concepts and standardizing root classification, sampling, processing and trait measurements. New Phytologist 232: 973 - 1122.
Freschet GT, Roumet C, Comas LH, Weemstra M, Bengough AG, Rewald B, Bardgett RD, De Deyn GB, Johnson D Klimešová J, Lukac M, McCormack ML, Meier IC, Pagès L, Poorter H, Prieto I, Wurzburger N, Zadworny M, Bagniewska-Zadworna A, Blancaflor EB, Brunner I, Gessler A, Hobbie SE, Iversen CM, Mommer L, Picon-Cochard C, Postma JA, Rose L, Ryser P, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Soudzilovskaia NA, Sun T, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Weigelt A, York LM, Stokes A. 2021. Root traits as drivers of plant and ecosystem functioning: current understanding, pitfalls and future research needs. New Phytologist 232: 1123 - 1158.
Guerrero-Ramirez N, Mommer L, Freschet GT, Iversen CM, McCormack ML, Kattge J, Poorter H, van der Plas F, Bergmann J, Kuyper TW, York LM, Bruehlheide H, Laughlin DC, Meier IC, Roumet C, Semchenko M, Sweeney CJ, van Ruijven J, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Aubin I, Catford JA, Manning P, Martin A, Milla R, Minden V, Pausas JG, Smith SW, Soudzilovskaia NA, Ammer C, Butterfield B, Craine JM, Cornelissen JHC, de Vries F, Hickler T, Isaac ME, Kramer K, König C, Lamb E, Medlyn B, Onipchenko VG, Read Q, Reich PB, Rillig MC, Sack L, Shipley B, Tedersoo L, Valladares F, van Bodegom P, Weigelt P, Wright J, Weigelt A. 2021. Global Root Traits (GRooT) Database. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 25 - 37.
Iversen CM, McCormack ML. 2021. Filling gaps in our understanding of belowground plant traits across the world: An introduction to a Virtual Issue. New Phytologist 231: 2097 - 2103. This is an introduction to a Virtual Special Issue that highlights new belowground understanding gained from more than 40 awesome papers published in New Phytologist over just the last 2 years!
Ladd MP, Reeves DT, Poudel S, Iversen CM, Wullschleger SD, Hettich RL. 2021. Untargeted exometabolomics provides a powerful approach to investigate biogeochemical hotspots with vegetation and polygon type in arctic tundra soils. Soil Systems 5:
Laughlin DC, Mommer L, Sabatini FM, Bruelheide H, Kuyper TW, McCormack ML, Bergmann J, Freschet GT, Guerrero-Ramírez NR, Iversen CM, Kattge J, Meier IC, Poorter H, Roumet C, Semchenko M, Sweeney CJ, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, van der Plas F, van Ruijven J, York LM, Aubin I, Burge OR, Byun C, Ćušterevska R, Dengler J, Forey E, Guerin GR, Herault B, Jackson RB, Karger DN, Lenoir J, Lysenko T, Meir P, Niinemets U, Ozinga WA, Peñuelas J, Reich PB, Schmidt M, Schrodt F, Velázquez E, Weigelt A. 2021. Root traits explain plant species distributions along climatic gradients yet challenge the nature of ecological trade-offs. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5: 1123 - 1134.
Mekonnen ZA, Riley WJ, Grant RF, Salmon VG, Iversen CM, Biraud S, Breen AL, Lara MJ. 2021. Topographical controls on hillslope-scale hydrology drive shrub distributions on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 126: e2020JG005823.
Salmon VG, Brice DJ, Bridgham S, Childs J, Graham J, Griffiths NA, Hofmockel K, Iversen CM, Jicha TM, Kolka RK, Kostka JE, Malhotra A, Norby RJ, Phillips JR, Ricciuto D, Schadt CW, Sebestyen SD, Shi X, Walker AP, Warren JM, Weston DJ, Yang X, Hanson PJ. 2021. Nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in an ombrotrophic peatland: a benchmark for assessing change. Plant and Soil 466: 649 -674.
Sulman BN, Salmon VG, Iversen CM, Breen A, Yuan F, Thornton PE. 2021. Integrating arctic plant functional types in a land surface model using above- and belowground field observations. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13: e2020MS002396.
Walker A, De Kauwe M, Bastos A, Belmecheri S, Georgiou K, Keeling R, McMahon S, Medlyn B, Moore DJP, Norby RJ, Zaehle S, Anderson-Teixeira KJ, Battipaglia G, Brienen RJW, Cabugao KG, Cailleret M, Campbell E, Canadell JG, Ciais P, Craig ME, Ellsworth DS, Farquhar GD, Fatichi S, Fisher JB, Frank DC, Graven H, Gu L, Haverd V, Heilman K, Heimann M, Hungate BA, Iversen CM, Joos F, Jiang M, Keenan TF, Knauer J, Korner C, Leshyk VO, Leuzinger S, Liu Y, MacBean N, Malhi Y, McVicar TR, Penuelas J, Pongratz J, Powell AS, Riutta T, Sabot MEB, Schleucher J, Sitch S, Smith WK, Sulman B, Taylor B, Terrer C, Torn MS, Treseder KK, Trugman AT, Trumbore SE, van Mantgem PJ, Voelker SL, Whelan ME, Zuidema PA. 2021. Integrating evidence for a terrestrial carbon sink caused by increasing atmospheric CO2. New Phytologist 229: 2413 - 2445.
Weigelt A, Mommer L, Andraczek K, Iversen CM, Bergmann J, Bruelheide H, Fan Y, Freschet GT, Guerrero-Ramírez NR, Kattge J, Kuyper TW, Laughlin DC, Meier IC, van der Plas F, Poorter H, Roumet C, van Ruijven J, Sabatini FM, Semchenko M, Sweeney CJ, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, York LM, McCormack ML. 2021. An integrated framework of plant form and function: The belowground perspective. New Phytologist 232: 42 - 59.
Bergmann J, Weigelt A, van der Plas F, Laughlin DC, Kuyper TW, Guerrero-Ramirez N, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Bruelheide H, Freschet GT, Iversen CM, Kattge J, McCormack ML, Meier IC, Rillig MC, Roumet C, Semchenko M, Sweeney CJ, van Ruijven J, York LM, Mommer L. 2020. The fungal collaboration gradient dominates the root economics space in plants. Science Advances 6: eaba3756.
Cordeiro AL, Norby RJ, Andersen KM, Valverde-Barrantes O, Fuchslueger L, Oblitas E, Hartley IP, Iversen CM, Gonçalves NB, Takeshi B, Lapola DM, Quesada CA. 2020. Fine-root dynamics vary with soil depth and precipitation in a low nutrient tropical forest in the Central Amazonia. Plant-Environment Interactions 1: 3 - 16.
Gallagher RV, Falster DS, Maitner BS, Salguero-Gómez R, Vandvik V, Pearse WD, Schneider FD, Kattge J, Poelen JH, Madin JS, Ankenbrand M, Penone C, Feng X, Adams VM, Alroy J, Andrew SC, Balk M, Bland LM, Boyle BL, Bravo-Avila CH, Brennan I, Carthey AJR, Catullo R, Cavazos BR, Conde DA, Chown SL, Fadrique B, Gibb H, Halbritter AH, Hammock J, Hogan JA, Holewa H, Hope M, Iversen CM, Jochum M, Kearney M, Keller A, Mabee P, Manning P, McCormack L, Michaletz ST, Park DS, Perez TM, Pineda-Munoz S, Ray CA, Rossetto M, Sauquet H, Sparrow B, Spasojevic MJ, Telford RJ, Tobias JA, Violle C, Walls R, Weiss KCB, Westoby M, Wright IJ, Enquist BJ. 2020. Open Science principles for accelerating trait-based science across the Tree of Life. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4: 292-303.
Hanson PJ, Griffiths NA, Iversen CM, Norby RJ, Sebestyen SD, Phillips JR, Chanton JP, Kolka RK, Malhotra A, Oleheiser KC, Warren JM, Shi X, Yang X, Mao J, Ricciuto DM. 2020. Rapid Net Carbon Loss From a Whole-Ecosystem Warmed Peatland. AGU Advances 1: e2020AV000163.
Iversen CM, Bolton WR, Rogers A, Wilson CJ, Wullschleger SD. 2020. Building a culture of safety and trust in team science. Eos 101.
Kattge J, Bönisch G, Díaz S, Lavorel S, Prentice IC, Leadley P, Tautenhahn S, Werner GDA … Iversen CM … 700+ co-authors … Wirth C. 2020. TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 26: 119 - 188.
Lara MJ, McGuire AD, Euskirchen ES, Genet H, Yi S, Rutter R, Iversen CM, Sloan V, Norby RJ, Wullschleger SD. 2020. Local-scale Arctic tundra heterogeneity affects regional-scale carbon dynamics. Nature Communications 11: 4925.
Malhotra A, Brice D, Childs J, Graham JD, Hobbie EA, Vander Stel H, Feron SC, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM. 2020. Peatland warming strongly increases fine-root growth. PNAS 117: 17627 - 17634. Highlighted here by Science Magazine, and also here by ORNL!
Thomas HJD, Bjorkman AD, Myers-Smith IH, Elmendorf SC, Kattge J, Diaz S, Vellend M, Blok D, Cornelissen JHC, Forbes BC, Henry GHR, Hollister RD, Normand S, Prevéy JS, Rixen C, Schaepman-Strub C, Wilmking M, Wipf S, Cornwell WK, Beck PSA, Georges D, Goetz SJ, Guay KC, Rüger N, Soudzilovskaia NA, Spasojevic MJ, Alatalo JM, Alexander HD, Anadon-Rosell A, Angers-Blondin S, te Beest M, Berner LT, Björk RG, Buchwal A, Buras A, Carbognani M, Christie KS, Collier LS, Cooper EJ, Elberling B, Eskelinen A, Frei ER, Grau O, Grogan P, Hallinger M, Heijmans MMPD, Hermanutz L, Hudson JMG, Johnstone JF, Hülber K, Iturrate-Garcia M, Iversen CM, Jaroszynska F, Kaarlejarvi E, Kulonen A, Lamarque LJ, Lantz TC, Lévesque E, Little CJ, Michelsen A, Milbau A, Nabe-Nielsen J, Nielsen SS, Ninot JM, Oberbauer SF, Olofsson J, Onipchenko VG, Petraglia A, Rumpf SB, Shetti R, Speed JDM, Suding KN, Tape KD, Tomaselli M, Trant AJ, Treier UA, Tremblay M, Venn SE, Vowles T, Weijers S, Wookey PA, Zamin TJ, Bahn M, Blonder B, van Bodegom PM, Bond-Lamberty B, Campetella G, Cerabolini BEL, Chapin III FS, Craine JM, Dainese M, Green WA, Jansen S, Kleyer M, Manning P, Niinemets Ü, Onoda Y, Ozinga WA, Peñuelas J, Poschlod P, Reich PB, Sandel B, Schamp BS, Sheremetiev SN, de Vries FT. 2020. Global plant trait relationships extend to the climatic extremes of the tundra biome. Nature Communications 11: 1351.
Zhu Q, Riley WJ, Iversen CM, Kattge J. 2020. Assessing impacts of plant stoichiometric traits on terrestrial ecosystem carbon accumulation using the E3SM land model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12: e2019MS001841.
Cordeiro AL, Norby RJ, Andersen KM, Valverde-Barrantes O, Fuchslueger L, Oblitas E, Hartley IP, Iversen CM, Gonçalves NB, Takeshi B, Lapola DM, Quesada CA. 2020. Fine-root dynamics vary with soil depth and precipitation in a low nutrient tropical forest in the Central Amazonia. Plant-Environment Interactions 1: 3 - 16.
Gallagher RV, Falster DS, Maitner BS, Salguero-Gómez R, Vandvik V, Pearse WD, Schneider FD, Kattge J, Poelen JH, Madin JS, Ankenbrand M, Penone C, Feng X, Adams VM, Alroy J, Andrew SC, Balk M, Bland LM, Boyle BL, Bravo-Avila CH, Brennan I, Carthey AJR, Catullo R, Cavazos BR, Conde DA, Chown SL, Fadrique B, Gibb H, Halbritter AH, Hammock J, Hogan JA, Holewa H, Hope M, Iversen CM, Jochum M, Kearney M, Keller A, Mabee P, Manning P, McCormack L, Michaletz ST, Park DS, Perez TM, Pineda-Munoz S, Ray CA, Rossetto M, Sauquet H, Sparrow B, Spasojevic MJ, Telford RJ, Tobias JA, Violle C, Walls R, Weiss KCB, Westoby M, Wright IJ, Enquist BJ. 2020. Open Science principles for accelerating trait-based science across the Tree of Life. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4: 292-303.
Hanson PJ, Griffiths NA, Iversen CM, Norby RJ, Sebestyen SD, Phillips JR, Chanton JP, Kolka RK, Malhotra A, Oleheiser KC, Warren JM, Shi X, Yang X, Mao J, Ricciuto DM. 2020. Rapid Net Carbon Loss From a Whole-Ecosystem Warmed Peatland. AGU Advances 1: e2020AV000163.
Iversen CM, Bolton WR, Rogers A, Wilson CJ, Wullschleger SD. 2020. Building a culture of safety and trust in team science. Eos 101.
Kattge J, Bönisch G, Díaz S, Lavorel S, Prentice IC, Leadley P, Tautenhahn S, Werner GDA … Iversen CM … 700+ co-authors … Wirth C. 2020. TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 26: 119 - 188.
Lara MJ, McGuire AD, Euskirchen ES, Genet H, Yi S, Rutter R, Iversen CM, Sloan V, Norby RJ, Wullschleger SD. 2020. Local-scale Arctic tundra heterogeneity affects regional-scale carbon dynamics. Nature Communications 11: 4925.
Malhotra A, Brice D, Childs J, Graham JD, Hobbie EA, Vander Stel H, Feron SC, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM. 2020. Peatland warming strongly increases fine-root growth. PNAS 117: 17627 - 17634. Highlighted here by Science Magazine, and also here by ORNL!
Thomas HJD, Bjorkman AD, Myers-Smith IH, Elmendorf SC, Kattge J, Diaz S, Vellend M, Blok D, Cornelissen JHC, Forbes BC, Henry GHR, Hollister RD, Normand S, Prevéy JS, Rixen C, Schaepman-Strub C, Wilmking M, Wipf S, Cornwell WK, Beck PSA, Georges D, Goetz SJ, Guay KC, Rüger N, Soudzilovskaia NA, Spasojevic MJ, Alatalo JM, Alexander HD, Anadon-Rosell A, Angers-Blondin S, te Beest M, Berner LT, Björk RG, Buchwal A, Buras A, Carbognani M, Christie KS, Collier LS, Cooper EJ, Elberling B, Eskelinen A, Frei ER, Grau O, Grogan P, Hallinger M, Heijmans MMPD, Hermanutz L, Hudson JMG, Johnstone JF, Hülber K, Iturrate-Garcia M, Iversen CM, Jaroszynska F, Kaarlejarvi E, Kulonen A, Lamarque LJ, Lantz TC, Lévesque E, Little CJ, Michelsen A, Milbau A, Nabe-Nielsen J, Nielsen SS, Ninot JM, Oberbauer SF, Olofsson J, Onipchenko VG, Petraglia A, Rumpf SB, Shetti R, Speed JDM, Suding KN, Tape KD, Tomaselli M, Trant AJ, Treier UA, Tremblay M, Venn SE, Vowles T, Weijers S, Wookey PA, Zamin TJ, Bahn M, Blonder B, van Bodegom PM, Bond-Lamberty B, Campetella G, Cerabolini BEL, Chapin III FS, Craine JM, Dainese M, Green WA, Jansen S, Kleyer M, Manning P, Niinemets Ü, Onoda Y, Ozinga WA, Peñuelas J, Poschlod P, Reich PB, Sandel B, Schamp BS, Sheremetiev SN, de Vries FT. 2020. Global plant trait relationships extend to the climatic extremes of the tundra biome. Nature Communications 11: 1351.
Zhu Q, Riley WJ, Iversen CM, Kattge J. 2020. Assessing impacts of plant stoichiometric traits on terrestrial ecosystem carbon accumulation using the E3SM land model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12: e2019MS001841.
Carrell AA, Kolton M, Glass JB, Pelletier DA, Warren MJ, Kostka JE, Iversen CM, Hanson PJ, Weston DJ. 2019. Experimental warming alters the community composition, diversity, and N2 fixation activity of peat moss (Sphagnum fallax) microbiomes. Global Change Biology 25: 2993-3004.
Frost GV, Bhatt US, Epstein HE, Walker DA, Raynolds MK, Berner LT, Bjerke JW, Breen AL, Forbes BC, Goetz SJ, Iversen CM, Lara MJ, Macander MJ, Phoenix GK, Rocha AV, Salmon VG, Thornton PE, Tømmervik H, Wullschleger SD. Tundra Greenness. Arctic Report Card 2019, Richter-Menge J, Druckenmiller ML, Jeffries M, Eds.,
Iversen CM. 2019. New Phytologist Associate Editor Profile. New Phytologist 223: 530 - 531.
Langford ZL, Kumar J, Hoffman FM, Breen AL, Iversen CM. 2019. Arctic vegetation mapping using unsupervised training datasets and convolutional neural networks. Remote Sensing 11: 69.
Malhotra A, Todd-Brown K, Nave LE, Batjes NH, Holmquist JR, Hoyt AM, Iversen CM, Jackson RB, Lajtha K, Lawrence C, Vindušková O, Wieder W, Williams M, Hugelius G, Harden J. 2019. The landscape of soil carbon data: emerging questions, synergies and databases. Progress in Physical Geography 3: 707 - 719.
McCormack ML, Iversen CM. 2019. Physical and functional constraints on viable belowground acquisition strategies. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1215.
Norby RJ, Sloan VL, Iversen CM, Childs J. 2019. Controls on fine-scale spatial and temporal variability of plant-available inorganic nitrogen in a polygonal tundra landscape. Ecosystems 22: 528 - 543.
Salmon VG, Breen AL, Kumar J, Lara MJ, Thornton PE, Wullschleger SD, Iversen CM. 2019. Alder distribution and expansion across a tundra hillslope: implications for local N cycling. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1099.
Silveyra P, Ajijola O, Grandison T, Iversen CM, Roy A, Nouri A, Sheets-Singer A. 2019. Bringing New Voices into the Sciences. Scientific American Blog.
Thomas HJD, Myers-Smith IH, Bjorkman AD, Elmendorf SC, Blok D, Cornelissen JHC, Forbes BC, Hollister RD, Normand S, Prevéy JS, Rixen C, Schaepman-Strub G, Wilmking M, Wipf S, Cornwell WK, Kattge J, Goetz SJ, Guay KC, Alatalo JM, Anadon-Rosell A, Angers-Blondin S, Berner LT, Björk RG, Buchwal A, Buras A, Carbognani M, Christie K, Siegwart Collier L, Cooper EJ, Eskelinen A, Frei ER, Grau O, Grogan P, Hallinger M, Heijmans MMPD, Hermanutz L, Hudson JMG, Hülber K, Iturrate-Garcia M, Iversen CM, Jaroszynska F, Johnstone JF, Kaarlejärvi E, Kulonen A, Lamarque LJ, Levesque E, Little CJ, Michelsen A, Milbau A, Nabe-Nielsen J, Nielsen SS, Ninot JM, Oberbauer SF, Olofsson J, Onipchenko VG, Petraglia A, Rumpf SB, Semenchuk PR, Soudzilovskaia NA, Spasojevic MJ, Speed JDM, Tape KD, te Beest M, Tomaselli M, Trant A, Treier UA, Venn S, Vowles T, Weijers S, Zamin T, Atkin OK, Bahn M, Blonder B, Campetella G, Cerabolini BEL, Chapin III FS, Dainese M, De Vries FT, Diaz S, Green W, Jackson RB, Manning P, Niinemets Ü, Ozinga WA, Peñuelas J, Reich PB, Schamp B, Sheremetev S, van Bodegom PM. 2019. Traditional plant functional groups explain plant trait variation in economic but not size-related traits across the tundra biome. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 78 - 95.
Walker AP, De Kauwe MG, Medlyn BE, Zaehle S, Iversen CM, Asao S, Guenet B, Harper A, Hickler T, Hungate BA, Jain AK, Luo Y, Lu X, Lu M, Luus K, Megonigal JP, Oren R, Ryan E, Shu S, Talhelm A, Wang Y-P, Warren JM, Werner C, Xia J, Yang B, Zak DR, Norby RJ. 2019. Decadal biomass increment in early secondary succession woody ecosystems is increased by CO2 enrichment. Nature Communications 10: 454.
Frost GV, Bhatt US, Epstein HE, Walker DA, Raynolds MK, Berner LT, Bjerke JW, Breen AL, Forbes BC, Goetz SJ, Iversen CM, Lara MJ, Macander MJ, Phoenix GK, Rocha AV, Salmon VG, Thornton PE, Tømmervik H, Wullschleger SD. Tundra Greenness. Arctic Report Card 2019, Richter-Menge J, Druckenmiller ML, Jeffries M, Eds.,
Iversen CM. 2019. New Phytologist Associate Editor Profile. New Phytologist 223: 530 - 531.
Langford ZL, Kumar J, Hoffman FM, Breen AL, Iversen CM. 2019. Arctic vegetation mapping using unsupervised training datasets and convolutional neural networks. Remote Sensing 11: 69.
Malhotra A, Todd-Brown K, Nave LE, Batjes NH, Holmquist JR, Hoyt AM, Iversen CM, Jackson RB, Lajtha K, Lawrence C, Vindušková O, Wieder W, Williams M, Hugelius G, Harden J. 2019. The landscape of soil carbon data: emerging questions, synergies and databases. Progress in Physical Geography 3: 707 - 719.
McCormack ML, Iversen CM. 2019. Physical and functional constraints on viable belowground acquisition strategies. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1215.
Norby RJ, Sloan VL, Iversen CM, Childs J. 2019. Controls on fine-scale spatial and temporal variability of plant-available inorganic nitrogen in a polygonal tundra landscape. Ecosystems 22: 528 - 543.
Salmon VG, Breen AL, Kumar J, Lara MJ, Thornton PE, Wullschleger SD, Iversen CM. 2019. Alder distribution and expansion across a tundra hillslope: implications for local N cycling. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1099.
Silveyra P, Ajijola O, Grandison T, Iversen CM, Roy A, Nouri A, Sheets-Singer A. 2019. Bringing New Voices into the Sciences. Scientific American Blog.
Thomas HJD, Myers-Smith IH, Bjorkman AD, Elmendorf SC, Blok D, Cornelissen JHC, Forbes BC, Hollister RD, Normand S, Prevéy JS, Rixen C, Schaepman-Strub G, Wilmking M, Wipf S, Cornwell WK, Kattge J, Goetz SJ, Guay KC, Alatalo JM, Anadon-Rosell A, Angers-Blondin S, Berner LT, Björk RG, Buchwal A, Buras A, Carbognani M, Christie K, Siegwart Collier L, Cooper EJ, Eskelinen A, Frei ER, Grau O, Grogan P, Hallinger M, Heijmans MMPD, Hermanutz L, Hudson JMG, Hülber K, Iturrate-Garcia M, Iversen CM, Jaroszynska F, Johnstone JF, Kaarlejärvi E, Kulonen A, Lamarque LJ, Levesque E, Little CJ, Michelsen A, Milbau A, Nabe-Nielsen J, Nielsen SS, Ninot JM, Oberbauer SF, Olofsson J, Onipchenko VG, Petraglia A, Rumpf SB, Semenchuk PR, Soudzilovskaia NA, Spasojevic MJ, Speed JDM, Tape KD, te Beest M, Tomaselli M, Trant A, Treier UA, Venn S, Vowles T, Weijers S, Zamin T, Atkin OK, Bahn M, Blonder B, Campetella G, Cerabolini BEL, Chapin III FS, Dainese M, De Vries FT, Diaz S, Green W, Jackson RB, Manning P, Niinemets Ü, Ozinga WA, Peñuelas J, Reich PB, Schamp B, Sheremetev S, van Bodegom PM. 2019. Traditional plant functional groups explain plant trait variation in economic but not size-related traits across the tundra biome. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 78 - 95.
Walker AP, De Kauwe MG, Medlyn BE, Zaehle S, Iversen CM, Asao S, Guenet B, Harper A, Hickler T, Hungate BA, Jain AK, Luo Y, Lu X, Lu M, Luus K, Megonigal JP, Oren R, Ryan E, Shu S, Talhelm A, Wang Y-P, Warren JM, Werner C, Xia J, Yang B, Zak DR, Norby RJ. 2019. Decadal biomass increment in early secondary succession woody ecosystems is increased by CO2 enrichment. Nature Communications 10: 454.
Bjorkman AD, Myers-Smith IH, Sarah C. Elmendorf, Normand S, Thomas HJD, Alatalo JM, Alexander H, Anadon-Rosell A, Angers-Blondin S, Bai Y, Baruah G, te Beest M, Berner L, Björk RG, Blok D, Bruelheide H, Buchwal A, Buras A, Carbognani M, Christie K, Collier LS, Cooper EJ, Cornelissen JHC, Dickinson KJM, Dullinger S, Elberling B, Eskelinen A, Forbes BC, Frei ER, Iturrate Garcia M, Good MK, Grau O, Green P, Greve M, Grogan P, Haider S, Hájek T, Hallinger M, Happonen K, Harper KA, Heijmans MMPD, Henry GHR, Hermanutz L, Hewitt RE, Hollister RD, Hudson J, Hülber K, Iversen CM, Jaroszynska F, Jiménez-Alfaro B, Johnstone J, Halfdan Jorgensen R, Kaarlejärvi E, Klady R, Klimešová J, Korsten A, Kuleza S, Kulonen A, Lamarque LJ, Lantz T, Lavalle A, Lembrechts JJ, Levesque E, Little CJ, Luoto M, Macek P, Mack MC, Mathakutha R, Michelsen A, Milbau A, Molau U, Morgan JW, Alfons Mörsdorf M, Nabe-Nielsen J, Schøler Nielsen S, Ninot JM, Oberbauer S, Olofsson J, Onipchenko VG, Petraglia A, Pickering C, Prevéy JS, Rixen C, Rumpf SB, Schaepman-Strub G, Semenchuk P, Shetti R, Soudzilovskaia NA, Spasojevic MJ, Speed JDM, Street L, Suding K, Tape KD, Tomaselli M, Trant A, Treier UA, Tremblay J-P, Tremblay M, Venn S, Virkkala A-M, Vowles T, Weijers S, Wilmking M, Wipf S, Zamin T. 2018. Tundra Trait Team: A database of plant traits spanning the tundra biome. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 1402 - 1411.
Bjorkman AD, Myers-Smith I, Elmendorf S, Normand S, Rüger N, Beck PSA, Blach-Overgaard A, Blok D, Cornelissen JHC, Forbes BC, Georges D, Goetz S, Guay K, Henry GHR, HilleRisLambers J, Hollister R, Karger DN, Kattge J, Prevéy JS, Rixen C, Schaepman-Strub G, Thomas H, Vellend M, Wilmking M, Wipf S, Carbognani M, Hermanutz L, Levesque E, Molau U, Petraglia A, Soudzilovskaia NA, Spasojevic M, Tomaselli M, Vowles T, Alatalo J, Alexander H, Anadon-Rosell A, Angers-Blondin S, Te Beest M, Berner L, Björk RG, Buchwal A, Buras A, Christie K, Collier LS, Cooper EJ, Dullinger S, Elberling B, Eskelinen A, Frei ER, Iturrate Garcia M, Grau O, Grogan P, Hallinger M, Harper K, Heijmans M, Hudson J, Hülber K, Iversen CM, Jaroszynska F, Johnstone J, Jorgensen RH, Kaarlejärvi E, Klady R, Kuleza S, Kulonen A, Lamarque LJ, Lantz T, Lavalle A, Little CJ, Speed JDM, Michelsen A, Milbau A, Nabe-Nielsen J, Schøler Nielsen S, Ninot JM, Oberbauer S, Olofsson J, Onipchenko VG, Rumpf SB, Semenchuk P, Shetti R, Street L, Suding K, Tape K, Trant A, Treier U, Tremblay J-P, Tremblay M, Venn S, Weijers S, Zamin T, Boulanger-Lapointe N, Gould WA, Hik D, Hofgaard A, Jonsdottir IS, Jorgenson J, Klein J, Magnusson B, Tweedie C, Wookey PA, Bahn M, Blonder B, van Bodegom P, Bond-Lamberty B, Campetella G, Cerabolini BEL, Chapin III FS, Cornwell W, Craine J, Dainese M, de Vries FT, Diaz S, Enquist BJ, Green W, Manning P, Milla R, Niinemets Ü, Onoda Y, Ordonez J, Ozinga WA, Penuelas J, Poorter H, Poschlod P, Reich P, Sandel B, Schamp B, Sheremetev S, Weiher E. 2018. Plant functional trait change across a warming tundra biome. Nature 562: 57-62.
Iversen CM, Childs J, Norby RJ, Ontl TA, Kolka RK, Brice DJ, McFarlane KJ, Hanson PJ. 2018. Fine-root growth in a forested bog is seasonally dynamic, but shallowly distributed in nutrient-poor peat. Plant and Soil 424: 123-143.
Malhotra A, Sihi D, Iversen CM. 2018. The fate of root carbon in soil: harmonizing root and soil data from across the globe. Eos 99.
McCormack ML, Powell AS, Iversen CM. 2018. Better plant data at the root of ecosystem models. Eos 99.
McFarlane KJ, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM, Phillips JR, Brice DJ. 2018. Local spatial heterogeneity of Holocene carbon accumulation throughout the peat profile of an ombrotrophic northern Minnesota bog. Radiocarbon 60: 941-962.
Bjorkman AD, Myers-Smith I, Elmendorf S, Normand S, Rüger N, Beck PSA, Blach-Overgaard A, Blok D, Cornelissen JHC, Forbes BC, Georges D, Goetz S, Guay K, Henry GHR, HilleRisLambers J, Hollister R, Karger DN, Kattge J, Prevéy JS, Rixen C, Schaepman-Strub G, Thomas H, Vellend M, Wilmking M, Wipf S, Carbognani M, Hermanutz L, Levesque E, Molau U, Petraglia A, Soudzilovskaia NA, Spasojevic M, Tomaselli M, Vowles T, Alatalo J, Alexander H, Anadon-Rosell A, Angers-Blondin S, Te Beest M, Berner L, Björk RG, Buchwal A, Buras A, Christie K, Collier LS, Cooper EJ, Dullinger S, Elberling B, Eskelinen A, Frei ER, Iturrate Garcia M, Grau O, Grogan P, Hallinger M, Harper K, Heijmans M, Hudson J, Hülber K, Iversen CM, Jaroszynska F, Johnstone J, Jorgensen RH, Kaarlejärvi E, Klady R, Kuleza S, Kulonen A, Lamarque LJ, Lantz T, Lavalle A, Little CJ, Speed JDM, Michelsen A, Milbau A, Nabe-Nielsen J, Schøler Nielsen S, Ninot JM, Oberbauer S, Olofsson J, Onipchenko VG, Rumpf SB, Semenchuk P, Shetti R, Street L, Suding K, Tape K, Trant A, Treier U, Tremblay J-P, Tremblay M, Venn S, Weijers S, Zamin T, Boulanger-Lapointe N, Gould WA, Hik D, Hofgaard A, Jonsdottir IS, Jorgenson J, Klein J, Magnusson B, Tweedie C, Wookey PA, Bahn M, Blonder B, van Bodegom P, Bond-Lamberty B, Campetella G, Cerabolini BEL, Chapin III FS, Cornwell W, Craine J, Dainese M, de Vries FT, Diaz S, Enquist BJ, Green W, Manning P, Milla R, Niinemets Ü, Onoda Y, Ordonez J, Ozinga WA, Penuelas J, Poorter H, Poschlod P, Reich P, Sandel B, Schamp B, Sheremetev S, Weiher E. 2018. Plant functional trait change across a warming tundra biome. Nature 562: 57-62.
Iversen CM, Childs J, Norby RJ, Ontl TA, Kolka RK, Brice DJ, McFarlane KJ, Hanson PJ. 2018. Fine-root growth in a forested bog is seasonally dynamic, but shallowly distributed in nutrient-poor peat. Plant and Soil 424: 123-143.
Malhotra A, Sihi D, Iversen CM. 2018. The fate of root carbon in soil: harmonizing root and soil data from across the globe. Eos 99.
McCormack ML, Powell AS, Iversen CM. 2018. Better plant data at the root of ecosystem models. Eos 99.
McFarlane KJ, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM, Phillips JR, Brice DJ. 2018. Local spatial heterogeneity of Holocene carbon accumulation throughout the peat profile of an ombrotrophic northern Minnesota bog. Radiocarbon 60: 941-962.
Freschet GT, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Tucker CM, Craine JM, McCormack ML, Violle C, Fort F, Blackwood CB, Urban-Mead KR, Iversen CM, Bonis A, Comas LH, Cornelissen JHC, Dong M, Guo D, Hobbie SE, Holdaway RJ, Kembel SW, Makita N, Onipchenko VG, Picon-Cochard C, Reich PB, de la Riva EG, Smith SW, Soudzilovskaia NA, Tjoelker MG, Wardle DA, Roumet C. 2017. Climate, soil and plant functional types as drivers of global fine-root trait variation. Journal of Ecology 105: 1182-1196.
Griffiths NA, Hanson PJ, Ricciuto DM, Iversen CM, Jensen AM, Malhotra A, McFarlane KJ, Norby RJ, Sargsyan K, Sebestyen SD, Shi X, Walker AP, Ward EJ, Warren JM, Weston DJ. 2017. Temporal and spatial variation in peatland carbon cycling and implications for interpreting responses of an ecosystem-scale warming experiment. Soil Science Society of America Journal 81: 1668-1688.
Hobbie EA, Chen J, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM, McFarlane KJ, Thorp NR, Hofmockel KS. 2017. Long-term carbon and nitrogen dynamics at SPRUCE revealed through stable isotopes in peat profiles. Biogeosciences 14: 2481.
Iversen CM, McCormack ML, Powell AS, Blackwood CB, Freschet GT, Kattge J, Roumet C, Stover DB, Soudzilovskaia NA, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, van Bodegom PM, Violle C. 2017. Viewpoints: A global Fine-Root Ecology Database to address belowground challenges in plant ecology. New Phytologist 215: 15-26. *One of the top New Phytologist papers featured in news and social media in 2017. *One of the top most downloaded New Phytologist papers from 2017 - 2018.
McCormack ML, Guo D, Iversen CM, Chen W, Eissenstat DM, Fernandez CW, Li L, Ma C, Ma Z, Poorter H, Reich PB, Zadworny M, Zanne A. 2017. Viewpoints: Building a better foundation: Improving root-trait measurements to understand and model plant and ecosystem processes. New Phytologist 215: 27-37.
Norby RJ, Iversen CM. 2017. Introduction to a Virtual Issue on root traits. New Phytologist 215: 5-8.
Song X, Hoffman FM, Iversen CM, Yin Y, Kumar J, Ma C, Xu X. 2017. Significant inconsistency of vegetation carbon density in CMIP5 Earth System Models against observational data. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 122: 2282-2297.
Xu Y, Wang D, Iversen CM, Walker A, Warren J. 2017. Building a virtual ecosystem dynamic model for root research. Environmental Modelling & Software 89: 97-105.
Griffiths NA, Hanson PJ, Ricciuto DM, Iversen CM, Jensen AM, Malhotra A, McFarlane KJ, Norby RJ, Sargsyan K, Sebestyen SD, Shi X, Walker AP, Ward EJ, Warren JM, Weston DJ. 2017. Temporal and spatial variation in peatland carbon cycling and implications for interpreting responses of an ecosystem-scale warming experiment. Soil Science Society of America Journal 81: 1668-1688.
Hobbie EA, Chen J, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM, McFarlane KJ, Thorp NR, Hofmockel KS. 2017. Long-term carbon and nitrogen dynamics at SPRUCE revealed through stable isotopes in peat profiles. Biogeosciences 14: 2481.
Iversen CM, McCormack ML, Powell AS, Blackwood CB, Freschet GT, Kattge J, Roumet C, Stover DB, Soudzilovskaia NA, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, van Bodegom PM, Violle C. 2017. Viewpoints: A global Fine-Root Ecology Database to address belowground challenges in plant ecology. New Phytologist 215: 15-26. *One of the top New Phytologist papers featured in news and social media in 2017. *One of the top most downloaded New Phytologist papers from 2017 - 2018.
McCormack ML, Guo D, Iversen CM, Chen W, Eissenstat DM, Fernandez CW, Li L, Ma C, Ma Z, Poorter H, Reich PB, Zadworny M, Zanne A. 2017. Viewpoints: Building a better foundation: Improving root-trait measurements to understand and model plant and ecosystem processes. New Phytologist 215: 27-37.
Norby RJ, Iversen CM. 2017. Introduction to a Virtual Issue on root traits. New Phytologist 215: 5-8.
Song X, Hoffman FM, Iversen CM, Yin Y, Kumar J, Ma C, Xu X. 2017. Significant inconsistency of vegetation carbon density in CMIP5 Earth System Models against observational data. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 122: 2282-2297.
Xu Y, Wang D, Iversen CM, Walker A, Warren J. 2017. Building a virtual ecosystem dynamic model for root research. Environmental Modelling & Software 89: 97-105.
Koven C, Kueppers L, Iversen CM, Reich P, Thornton PE. 2016. Expanding the use of plant trait observations and ecological theory in Earth system models: DOE Workshop Report. A summary report from the Terrestrial Ecosystem Science (TES) and Earth System Modeling (ESM) Workshop on Trait Methods for Representing Ecosystem Change; Rockville, MD, 18-19 November 2015. Report Date: May 31, 2016.
Kueppers LM, Iversen CM, Koven CD. 2016. Expanding the use of plant trait observations in Earth system models. Eos 97 (DOI:10.1029/2016EO049947).
Kumar J, Collier N, Bisht G, Mills RT, Thornton PE, Iversen CM, Romanovsky V. 2016. Modeling the spatio-temporal variability in subsurface thermal regimes across a low-relief polygonal tundra landscape. The Cryosphere 10: 2241-2274.
Langford Z, Kumar J, Hoffman FM, Norby RJ, Wullschleger SD, Sloan VL, Iversen CM. 2016. Mapping Arctic plant functional type distributions in the Barrow Environmental Observatory using WorldView-2 and LiDAR datasets. Remote Sensing 8: 733.
Mao J, Ricciuto DM, Thornton PE, Warren JM, King AW, Shi X, Iversen CM, Norby RJ. 2016. Evaluating the Community Land Model in a pine stand with 13CO2 labeling and shading manipulations. Biogeosciences 13: 641-657.
McCormack ML, Iversen CM, Eissenstat DM. 2016. Moving forward with fine-root definitions and research. New Phytologist 212: 313.
Schädel C, Bader MKF, Schuur EAG, Bracho R, Capek P, De-Baets S, Diakova K, Ernakovich J, Estop-Aragones C, Graham DE, Hartley IP, Iversen CM, Kane E, Knoblauch C, Lupascu M, Natali S, Norby RJ, O’Donnell JA, Roy Chowdhury T, Šantrůčková H, Shaver G, Sloan VL, Treat CC, Turetsky MR, Waldrop M, Wickland KP. 2016. Potential carbon emissions dominated by carbon dioxide from thawed permafrost soils. Nature Climate Change 6: 950-953.
Walker DA, Breen AL, Druckenmiller LA, Wirth LW, Fisher W, Raynolds MK, Šibík J, Walker MD, Hennekens S, Boggs K, Boucher T, Buchhorn M, Bültmann H, Cooper DJ, Daniëls FJA, Davidson SJ, Ebersole JJ, Elmendorf SC, Epstein HE, Gould WA, Hollister RD, Iversen CM, Jorgenson MT, Kade A, Lee MT, MacKenzie WH, Peet RK, Peirce JL, Schickhoff U, Sloan VL, Talbot SS, Tweedie CE, Villarreal S, Webber PJ, Zona D. 2016. The Alaska Arctic Vegetation Archive (AVA-AK). Phytocoenologia 46: 221-229.
Zhu Q, Iversen CM, Riley WJ, Slette IJ, Vander Stel HM. 2016. Root traits explain observed tundra vegetation nitrogen uptake patterns: Implications for trait-based land models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121: 3101-3112. This paper was highlighted here and here.
Kueppers LM, Iversen CM, Koven CD. 2016. Expanding the use of plant trait observations in Earth system models. Eos 97 (DOI:10.1029/2016EO049947).
Kumar J, Collier N, Bisht G, Mills RT, Thornton PE, Iversen CM, Romanovsky V. 2016. Modeling the spatio-temporal variability in subsurface thermal regimes across a low-relief polygonal tundra landscape. The Cryosphere 10: 2241-2274.
Langford Z, Kumar J, Hoffman FM, Norby RJ, Wullschleger SD, Sloan VL, Iversen CM. 2016. Mapping Arctic plant functional type distributions in the Barrow Environmental Observatory using WorldView-2 and LiDAR datasets. Remote Sensing 8: 733.
Mao J, Ricciuto DM, Thornton PE, Warren JM, King AW, Shi X, Iversen CM, Norby RJ. 2016. Evaluating the Community Land Model in a pine stand with 13CO2 labeling and shading manipulations. Biogeosciences 13: 641-657.
McCormack ML, Iversen CM, Eissenstat DM. 2016. Moving forward with fine-root definitions and research. New Phytologist 212: 313.
Schädel C, Bader MKF, Schuur EAG, Bracho R, Capek P, De-Baets S, Diakova K, Ernakovich J, Estop-Aragones C, Graham DE, Hartley IP, Iversen CM, Kane E, Knoblauch C, Lupascu M, Natali S, Norby RJ, O’Donnell JA, Roy Chowdhury T, Šantrůčková H, Shaver G, Sloan VL, Treat CC, Turetsky MR, Waldrop M, Wickland KP. 2016. Potential carbon emissions dominated by carbon dioxide from thawed permafrost soils. Nature Climate Change 6: 950-953.
Walker DA, Breen AL, Druckenmiller LA, Wirth LW, Fisher W, Raynolds MK, Šibík J, Walker MD, Hennekens S, Boggs K, Boucher T, Buchhorn M, Bültmann H, Cooper DJ, Daniëls FJA, Davidson SJ, Ebersole JJ, Elmendorf SC, Epstein HE, Gould WA, Hollister RD, Iversen CM, Jorgenson MT, Kade A, Lee MT, MacKenzie WH, Peet RK, Peirce JL, Schickhoff U, Sloan VL, Talbot SS, Tweedie CE, Villarreal S, Webber PJ, Zona D. 2016. The Alaska Arctic Vegetation Archive (AVA-AK). Phytocoenologia 46: 221-229.
Zhu Q, Iversen CM, Riley WJ, Slette IJ, Vander Stel HM. 2016. Root traits explain observed tundra vegetation nitrogen uptake patterns: Implications for trait-based land models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121: 3101-3112. This paper was highlighted here and here.
Heikoop JM, Throckmorton HM, Newman BD, Perkins GB, Iversen CM, Roy Chowdhury T, Romanovsky V, Graham DE, Norby RJ, Wilson CJ, and Wullschleger SD. 2015. Isotopic identification of soil and permafrost nitrate sources in an Arctic tundra ecosystem. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120: 1000-1017.
Hockaday WC, Gallagher ME, Masiello CA, Baldock JA, Iversen CM, Norby RJ. 2015. Forest soil carbon oxidation state and oxidative ratio responses to elevated CO2. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120: 1797-1811.
Iversen CM, Sloan VL, Sullivan PF, Euskirchen ES, McGuire AD, Norby RJ, Walker AP, Warren JM, Wullschleger SD. 2015. The unseen iceberg: Plant roots in arctic tundra (Tansley Review). New Phytologist 205: 34-58.
McCormack ML, Dickie IA, Eissenstat DM, Fahey TJ, Fernandez CW, Guo D, Helmisaari H-S, Hobbie EA, Iversen CM, Jackson RB, Leppälammi-Kujansuu J, Norby RJ, Phillips RP, Pregitzer KS, Pritchard SG, Rewald B, Zadworny M. 2015. Redefining fine roots improves understanding of below-ground contributions to terrestrial biosphere processes (Tansley Review). New Phytologist 207: 505-518.
Medlyn BE, Zaehle S, De Kauwe MG, Walker AP, Dietze MC, Hanson P, Hickler T, Jain A, Luo Y, Parton W, Prentice IC, Thornton PE, Wang S, Wang Y-P, Weng E, Iversen CM, McCarthy H, Warren JM, Oren R, Norby RJ. 2015. Using ecosystem experiments to improve vegetation models. Nature Climate Change 5: 528-534.
Treat C, Natali S, Ernakovich J, Iversen CM, Lupascu M, McGuire AD, Norby RJ, Roy Chowdhury T, Richter A, Šantrůčková H, Schädel C, Schuur EAG, Sloan VL, Turetsky M, Waldrop M. 2015. A pan-Arctic synthesis of CH4 and CO2 production from anoxic soil incubations. Global Change Biology 21: 2787-2803.
Wang D, Janjusic T, Iversen CM, Thornton PE, Krassovski M, Wu W, Xu Y. 2015. A scientific function test framework for modular environmental model development: Application to the Community Land Model. 1st IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing in Science, Florence, Italy, May 2015, pp. 16-23.
Warren, JM, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM, Kumar J, Walker AP, Wullschleger SD. 2015. Root structural and functional dynamics in terrestrial biosphere models – Evaluation and recommendations (Tansley Review). New Phytologist 205: 59-78.
Wullschleger SD, Breen A, Iversen CM, Olson M, Nasholm T, Ganeteg U, Wallenstein M, Weston D. 2015. Genomics in a changing Arctic: Critical questions await the molecular ecologist. Molecular Ecology 24: 2301–2309.
Hockaday WC, Gallagher ME, Masiello CA, Baldock JA, Iversen CM, Norby RJ. 2015. Forest soil carbon oxidation state and oxidative ratio responses to elevated CO2. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120: 1797-1811.
Iversen CM, Sloan VL, Sullivan PF, Euskirchen ES, McGuire AD, Norby RJ, Walker AP, Warren JM, Wullschleger SD. 2015. The unseen iceberg: Plant roots in arctic tundra (Tansley Review). New Phytologist 205: 34-58.
McCormack ML, Dickie IA, Eissenstat DM, Fahey TJ, Fernandez CW, Guo D, Helmisaari H-S, Hobbie EA, Iversen CM, Jackson RB, Leppälammi-Kujansuu J, Norby RJ, Phillips RP, Pregitzer KS, Pritchard SG, Rewald B, Zadworny M. 2015. Redefining fine roots improves understanding of below-ground contributions to terrestrial biosphere processes (Tansley Review). New Phytologist 207: 505-518.
Medlyn BE, Zaehle S, De Kauwe MG, Walker AP, Dietze MC, Hanson P, Hickler T, Jain A, Luo Y, Parton W, Prentice IC, Thornton PE, Wang S, Wang Y-P, Weng E, Iversen CM, McCarthy H, Warren JM, Oren R, Norby RJ. 2015. Using ecosystem experiments to improve vegetation models. Nature Climate Change 5: 528-534.
Treat C, Natali S, Ernakovich J, Iversen CM, Lupascu M, McGuire AD, Norby RJ, Roy Chowdhury T, Richter A, Šantrůčková H, Schädel C, Schuur EAG, Sloan VL, Turetsky M, Waldrop M. 2015. A pan-Arctic synthesis of CH4 and CO2 production from anoxic soil incubations. Global Change Biology 21: 2787-2803.
Wang D, Janjusic T, Iversen CM, Thornton PE, Krassovski M, Wu W, Xu Y. 2015. A scientific function test framework for modular environmental model development: Application to the Community Land Model. 1st IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing in Science, Florence, Italy, May 2015, pp. 16-23.
Warren, JM, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM, Kumar J, Walker AP, Wullschleger SD. 2015. Root structural and functional dynamics in terrestrial biosphere models – Evaluation and recommendations (Tansley Review). New Phytologist 205: 59-78.
Wullschleger SD, Breen A, Iversen CM, Olson M, Nasholm T, Ganeteg U, Wallenstein M, Weston D. 2015. Genomics in a changing Arctic: Critical questions await the molecular ecologist. Molecular Ecology 24: 2301–2309.
De Kauwe MG, Medlyn BE, Zaehle S, Walker AP, Dietze MC, Wang Y-P, Luo Y, Jain AK, El-Masri B, Hickler T, Wårlind D, Weng E, Parton WJ, Thornton PE, Wang S, Prentice IC, Asao S, Smith B, McCarthy HR, Iversen CM, Hanson PJ, Warren JM, Oren R, Norby RJ. 2014. Where does the carbon go? A model-data intercomparison of vegetation carbon allocation and turnover processes at two temperate forest free-air CO2 enrichment sites. New Phytologist 203: 883-899.
Iversen CM. 2014. Using root form to improve our understanding of root function. New Phytologist 203: 707-709.
Iversen CM, Norby RJ. 2014. Terrestrial plant productivity and carbon allocation in a changing climate. In Freedman B, ed. Handbook of Global Environmental Pollution: Global Environmental Change, New York, NY: Springer, pp. 297-316.
Tfaily MM, Cooper WT, Kostka J, Chanton PR, Schadt CW, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM, Chanton JP. 2014. Organic matter transformation in the peat column at Marcell Experimental Forest: Humification and vertical stratification. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119: 661-675.
Walker AP, Hanson PJ, De Kauwe MG, Medlyn BE, Zaehle S, Asao S, Dietze M, Hickler T, Huntingford C, Iversen CM, Jain A, Lomas M, Luo YQ, McCarthy H, Parton WJ, Prentice IC, Thornton PE, Wang SS, Wang YP, Warlind D, Weng ES, Warren, JM, Woodward FI, Oren R, Norby RJ. 2014. Comprehensive ecosystem model-data synthesis using multiple data sets at two temperate forest free-air CO2 enrichment experiments: Model performance at ambient CO2 concentration. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119: 937-964.
Wullschleger SD, Epstein HE, Box EO, Euskirchen ES, Goswami S, Iversen CM, Kattge J, Norby RJ, van Bodegom PM, Xu X. 2014. Plant functional types in Earth System Models: Past experiences and future directions for application of dynamic vegetation models in high-latitude ecosystems. Annals of Botany 114: 1-16.
Zaehle S, Medlyn BE, De Kauwe NG, Walker AP, Dietze MC, Hickler T, Luo Y, Wang Y-P, El-Masri B, Thornton P, Jain A, Wang S, Warlind D, Weng E, Parton W, Iversen CM, Gallet-Budynek A, McCarthy H, Finzi A, Hanson PJ, Prentice IC, Oren R, Norby RJ. 2014. Evaluation of 11 terrestrial carbon–nitrogen cycle models against observations from two temperate Free-Air CO2 Enrichment studies. New Phytologist 202: 803–822.
Iversen CM. 2014. Using root form to improve our understanding of root function. New Phytologist 203: 707-709.
Iversen CM, Norby RJ. 2014. Terrestrial plant productivity and carbon allocation in a changing climate. In Freedman B, ed. Handbook of Global Environmental Pollution: Global Environmental Change, New York, NY: Springer, pp. 297-316.
Tfaily MM, Cooper WT, Kostka J, Chanton PR, Schadt CW, Hanson PJ, Iversen CM, Chanton JP. 2014. Organic matter transformation in the peat column at Marcell Experimental Forest: Humification and vertical stratification. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119: 661-675.
Walker AP, Hanson PJ, De Kauwe MG, Medlyn BE, Zaehle S, Asao S, Dietze M, Hickler T, Huntingford C, Iversen CM, Jain A, Lomas M, Luo YQ, McCarthy H, Parton WJ, Prentice IC, Thornton PE, Wang SS, Wang YP, Warlind D, Weng ES, Warren, JM, Woodward FI, Oren R, Norby RJ. 2014. Comprehensive ecosystem model-data synthesis using multiple data sets at two temperate forest free-air CO2 enrichment experiments: Model performance at ambient CO2 concentration. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119: 937-964.
Wullschleger SD, Epstein HE, Box EO, Euskirchen ES, Goswami S, Iversen CM, Kattge J, Norby RJ, van Bodegom PM, Xu X. 2014. Plant functional types in Earth System Models: Past experiences and future directions for application of dynamic vegetation models in high-latitude ecosystems. Annals of Botany 114: 1-16.
Zaehle S, Medlyn BE, De Kauwe NG, Walker AP, Dietze MC, Hickler T, Luo Y, Wang Y-P, El-Masri B, Thornton P, Jain A, Wang S, Warlind D, Weng E, Parton W, Iversen CM, Gallet-Budynek A, McCarthy H, Finzi A, Hanson PJ, Prentice IC, Oren R, Norby RJ. 2014. Evaluation of 11 terrestrial carbon–nitrogen cycle models against observations from two temperate Free-Air CO2 Enrichment studies. New Phytologist 202: 803–822.
Lynch DJ, Matamala R, Iversen CM, Norby RJ, Gonzalez-Meler MA. 2013. Stored carbon partly fuels fine-root respiration but is not used for production of new fine roots. New Phytologist 199: 420-430.
Iversen CM, Keller JK, Garten CT, Norby RJ. 2012. Soil carbon and nitrogen cycling and storage throughout the soil profile in a sweetgum plantation after 11 years of CO2-enrichment. Global Change Biology 18: 1684-1697. (Faculty of 1000 article recommendation).
Iversen CM, Murphy MT, Allen MF, Childs J, Eissenstat DM, Lilleskov EA, Sarjala TM, Sloan VL, Sullivan PF. 2012. Advancing the use of minirhizotrons in wetlands. Plant and Soil 352: 23–39.
McMurtrie RE, Iversen CM, Dewar RC, Medlyn BE, Näsholm T, Pepper DA, Norby RJ. 2012. Plant root distributions and nitrogen uptake predicted by a hypothesis of optimal root foraging. Ecology and Evolution 2: 1235-1250.
Warren JM, Iversen CM, Garten CT, Norby RJ, Childs J, Brice DJ, Evans RM, Gu L, Thornton PE, Weston DJ. 2012. Timing and magnitude of carbon partitioning through a young loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stand using 13C labeling and shade treatments. Tree Physiology 32: 799-813.
Iversen CM, Murphy MT, Allen MF, Childs J, Eissenstat DM, Lilleskov EA, Sarjala TM, Sloan VL, Sullivan PF. 2012. Advancing the use of minirhizotrons in wetlands. Plant and Soil 352: 23–39.
McMurtrie RE, Iversen CM, Dewar RC, Medlyn BE, Näsholm T, Pepper DA, Norby RJ. 2012. Plant root distributions and nitrogen uptake predicted by a hypothesis of optimal root foraging. Ecology and Evolution 2: 1235-1250.
Warren JM, Iversen CM, Garten CT, Norby RJ, Childs J, Brice DJ, Evans RM, Gu L, Thornton PE, Weston DJ. 2012. Timing and magnitude of carbon partitioning through a young loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stand using 13C labeling and shade treatments. Tree Physiology 32: 799-813.
Garten CT, Iversen CM, Norby RJ. 2011. Litterfall 15N abundance indicates declining soil nitrogen availability in a free air CO2-enrichment experiment. Ecology 92: 133-139.
Iversen CM, Hooker TD, Classen AT, Norby RJ. 2011. Net mineralization of N at deeper soil depths as a potential mechanism for sustained forest production under elevated [CO2]. Global Change Biology 17: 1130-1139.
Iversen CM, Hooker TD, Classen AT, Norby RJ. 2011. Net mineralization of N at deeper soil depths as a potential mechanism for sustained forest production under elevated [CO2]. Global Change Biology 17: 1130-1139.
Iversen CM. 2010. Digging deeper: Fine root responses to rising atmospheric CO2 concentration in forested ecosystems. New Phytologist 186: 346-357.
Iversen CM, Bridgham SD, Kellogg LE. 2010. Scaling plant nitrogen-use and uptake efficiencies in response to nutrient addition in peatlands. Ecology 91: 693-707.
Iversen CM, O’Brien SL. 2010. Organized Oral Session 3. Missing links in the root–soil organic matter continuum. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 91: 54-64.
Norby RJ, Warren JM, Iversen CM, Medlyn BE, McMurtrie RE. 2010. CO2 enhancement of forest productivity constrained by limited nitrogen availability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 107: 19368-19373.
Iversen CM, Bridgham SD, Kellogg LE. 2010. Scaling plant nitrogen-use and uptake efficiencies in response to nutrient addition in peatlands. Ecology 91: 693-707.
Iversen CM, O’Brien SL. 2010. Organized Oral Session 3. Missing links in the root–soil organic matter continuum. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 91: 54-64.
Norby RJ, Warren JM, Iversen CM, Medlyn BE, McMurtrie RE. 2010. CO2 enhancement of forest productivity constrained by limited nitrogen availability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 107: 19368-19373.
Franklin O, McMurtrie RE, Iversen CM, Crous KY, Finzi A, Tissue DT, Ellsworth DS, Oren R, Norby RJ. 2009. Forest fine-root production and nitrogen use under elevated CO2: contrasting responses in evergreen and deciduous trees explained by a common principle. Global Change Biology 15: 132-144.
O’Brien SL, Iversen CM. 2009. Missing links in the root-soil organic matter continuum. New Phytologist 184: 513-516.
O’Brien SL, Iversen CM. 2009. Missing links in the root-soil organic matter continuum. New Phytologist 184: 513-516.
Iversen CM, Ledford J, Norby RJ. 2008. CO2 enrichment increases carbon and nitrogen input from fine roots in a deciduous forest. New Phytologist: 179: 837-847.
Iversen CM, Norby RJ. 2008. Nitrogen limitation in a sweetgum plantation: Implications for carbon allocation and storage. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 1021-1032.
Iversen CM, Norby RJ. 2008. Nitrogen limitation in a sweetgum plantation: Implications for carbon allocation and storage. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 1021-1032.
2005 - 2007
Finzi AC, Norby RJ, Calfapietra C, Gallet-Budynek A, Gielen B, Holmes WE, Hoosbeek MR, Iversen CM, Jackson RB, Kubiske MB, Ledford J, Liberloo M, Oren R, Polle A, Pritchard S, Zak DR, Schlesinger WH, Ceulemans R. 2007. Increases in nitrogen uptake rather than nitrogen-use efficiency support higher rates of temperate forest productivity under elevated CO2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 104: 14014-14019.
Keller JK, Bauers AK, Bridgham SD, Kellogg LE, Iversen CM. 2006. Nutrient control of microbial carbon cycling along an ombrotrophic-minerotrophic peatland gradient. Journal of Geophysical Research 111: G03006.
Norby RJ, Iversen CM. 2006. Nitrogen uptake, distribution, turnover, and efficiency of use in a CO2-enriched sweetgum forest. Ecology 87: 5-14.
Keller JK, Bridgham SD, Chapin CT, Iversen CM. 2005. Limited effects of six years of fertilization on carbon mineralization dynamics in a Minnesota fen. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37: 1197-1204.
Keller JK, Bridgham SD, Chapin CT, Iversen CM. 2005. Limited effects of six years of fertilization on carbon mineralization dynamics in a Minnesota fen. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37: 1197-1204.
Keller JK, Bauers AK, Bridgham SD, Kellogg LE, Iversen CM. 2006. Nutrient control of microbial carbon cycling along an ombrotrophic-minerotrophic peatland gradient. Journal of Geophysical Research 111: G03006.
Norby RJ, Iversen CM. 2006. Nitrogen uptake, distribution, turnover, and efficiency of use in a CO2-enriched sweetgum forest. Ecology 87: 5-14.
Keller JK, Bridgham SD, Chapin CT, Iversen CM. 2005. Limited effects of six years of fertilization on carbon mineralization dynamics in a Minnesota fen. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37: 1197-1204.
Keller JK, Bridgham SD, Chapin CT, Iversen CM. 2005. Limited effects of six years of fertilization on carbon mineralization dynamics in a Minnesota fen. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37: 1197-1204.